In August 2015 Alan Britt was invited to Ecuador in a cultural exchange of poets between Ecuador and the United States. His interview at The Library of Congress for The Poet and the Poem aired on Pacifica Radio, January 2013. He has published 16 books of poetry, his latest being Crossing the Walt Whitman Bridge (bilingual English/Romanian): 2017; Violin Smoke (Translated into Hungarian by Paul Sohar and published in Romania: 2015). He teaches English/Creative Writing at Towson University.
Holly Day’s poetry has recently appeared in The Cape Rock, New Ohio Review, and Gargoyle. Her nonfiction publications include Music Theory for Dummies, Music Composition for Dummies, Guitar All-in-One for Dummies, Piano and Keyboard All-in-One for Dummies, Walking Twin Cities, Nordeast Minneapolis: A History, and Stillwater, Minnesota: A History. Her newest poetry collections, A Perfect Day for Semaphore (Finishing Line Press), I'm in a Place Where Reason Went Missing (Main Street Rag Publishing Co.), and Where We Went Wrong (Clare Songbirds Publishing) will be out mid-2018, with The Yellow Dot of a Daisy already out on Alien Buddha Press.
After a teaching career, Jason Feingold began writing, with works published in journals, anthologies, and collections. When not writing, he reads, keeps house, is a husband, raises a son, chases dogs, and volunteers as a Guardian ad Litem in his North Carolina home.
Maureen Fielding is currently an associate professor of English and Women’s Studies at Penn State Brandywine where she teaches courses on creative writing, post-colonial literature, and women’s studies. Her poetry and fiction have appeared in Broken Plate, Willow Review, Adanna, and other journals. She is currently working on a novel inspired by her experiences in the U.S. Army as a Russian intercept operator in West Berlin during the Cold War.
John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident. Recently published in Examined Life Journal, Evening Street Review and Columbia Review with work upcoming in Leading Edge, Poetry East and Midwest Quarterly.
Robert Hasselblad lives in Tacoma WA, and has recently retired from four decades in forest products. His poetry has appeared in many literary journals including Stringtown, Heeltap, On the Bus and most recently the anthology WA 129: Poets of Washington.
Peter Hoheisel has published poems in national publications, such as The Nation, and many regional ones, a few of which are the Langdon Review, Grasslands Review, Nebo, and Iconoclast. As well as teaching Creative Writing, Literature and Composition, at Lon Morris College in Jacksonville, Texas, he was also chair of the department of Religion and Philosophy at that institution. Before he moved to Texas, he was awarded numerous grants to teach poetry in many schools through the Michigan Council for the Arts and in Tyler, Texas, under a grant from the Texas Commission for the Arts.
Kelley Jhung is from Encinitas, California.
Ezra Koch is a poet and novelist living in Portland, Maine. He is currently working as a guitar maker, and seeking representation for his debut novel.
Rebecca Monroe has had over a hundred stories published in such magazines as MacGuffin, St. Anthony’s Messenger, Bellowing Ark, City Primeval, Karamu, Advocate, Art Times, Catholic Forester, Modern Woodsmen and Nexus. Bellowing Ark Press published her collection of short stories entitled Reaching Beyond.
Daniel Oliveri is a junior at Kenyon College. He enjoys eating, baking, and taking lint out of the dryer. He has a website he wrote and illustrated telling the story of Lewis Carroll’s “the Jabberwocky” at of which he is far too proud.
Carl “Papa” Palmer of Old Mill Road in Ridgeway, VA now lives in University Place, WA. He is retired military, retired FAA, now just plain retired enjoying life as Papa to his grand descendants. Carl, Hospice volunteer, is a former Pushcart Prize and Micro Award nominee. MOTTO: Long Weekends Forever.
Bruce Parks is the author of several short stories, a full length play, Titus and Berenice, and a memoir, My Time with AB. He currently is working on his first novel, The Fatman Club. He lives with his family in Byfield, Massachusetts.
Terry Sanville lives in San Luis Obispo, California with his artist-poet wife (his in-house editor) and two plump cats (his in-house critics). He writes full time, producing short stories, essays, poems, and novels. Since 2005, his short stories have been accepted by more than 280 literary and commercial journals, magazines, and anthologies including The Potomac Review, The Bitter Oleander, Shenandoah, and The Saturday Evening Post. He was nominated twice for Pushcart Prizes for his stories The Sweeper and The Garage. Terry is a retired urban planner and an accomplished jazz and blues guitarist who once played with a symphony orchestra backing up jazz legend George Shearing.
Abigail Skinner is from Wellington, Florida.
Matthew Snyderman, who lives in Northern California's East Bay with his wife and daughter, has been writing short stories as a hobby for years. He is interested in exploring challenging situations that befall average people; sometimes quirky, sometimes dark, sometimes funny. This is his first publication.
Seward Ward is a poet, painter and longtime New York City bartender. He has published poems in the Washington Review and Dogwood. He lives in northern New Jersey with his wife, daughters and two unnaturally large cats.
D.S. White teaches high school and loves the short story format. His work has appeared in Mythaxis, Pif Magazine, Mystery Weekly Magazine, Adelaide Magazine, Scarlet Leaf Review, Zimbell House, Zero Flash, 101 Words, Rollick Mag and Novopulp. He was born in the mountains but now lives by the sea.