The Avalon Literary Review
Winter 2016 Edition:
Winter 2016 Edition:
Ann Anthony has honed her writing craft in a Master's program, in her work writing for business and various publications, and in her habit of spending endless enjoyable hours writing fiction. She is working on her second novel, several stories, and a screenplay. She lives in Penfield, NY.

R. Sebastian Bennett’s work has been nominated for two Pushcart Prizes and appeared in Connecticut Review, Fiction International, Indiana Review, Mississippi Review, Texas Review, and American Book Review, among others. He was the founding editor of The Southern Anthology. Currently, he teaches writing at Broward College.

Laura Berlinsky-Schine lives in Brooklyn, New York and works in publishing. Her work has previously appeared in XO Jane. Visit her blog at

Kathleen S. Burgess, poet, editor, retired music teacher, union officer, videographer, hitchhiker and traveler through North, Central, and South America, has poetry in, or forthcoming from, North American Review, Sou’wester, The Examined Life, Evening Street Review, Malpaís Review, Turtle Island Quarterly, other journals and anthologies. A chapbook Shaping What Was Left and the anthology she edited Reeds and Rushes—Pitch, Buzz, and Hum are Pudding House publications. Two new collections Hitchhiking Through Ruins and The Wonder Cupboard are forthcoming.

Jeff Burt has stories and essays in and forthcoming in Amarillo Bay, Eclectica, Storm Cellar, Per Contra.  He was the summer issue poet of Clerestory.

Chelsea Dodds is a teacher, musician, radio DJ and road tripper from Connecticut. She is currently pursuing an MFA in fiction from Southern Connecticut State University. You can visit her blog at

Jack Freeman is an undergraduate at Wichita State University. His written work has appeared in New Welsh Review, Off the Coast, Wild Violet, and elsewhere. More work is forthcoming in Common Ground Review and Cacti Fur. 

Carol Hamilton has recent publications in Poet Lore, Lousiana Literature, Limestone, Outrider Review, Haight Ashbury Literary Journal, Hubbub, Palaver, Poem and others. She has published 17 books, most recently, Such Deaths. She is a former Poet Laureate of Oklahoma and has been nominated six times for a Pushcart Prize.

Dixon Hearne teaches and writes in Louisiana. His work has been twice nominated for the Pushcart Prize. His poetry has been anthologized in the Texas Review Press’s Southern Poetry Anthology: Louisiana, Vol. 4 and Down the Dark River, a new anthology from Louisiana Literature Press. He recently received an award from Midwest Literary Magazine as well as a 2014 Spur Award for poetry. Other poetry appears in Tulane Review, New Plains Review, Weber: The Contemporary West, Big Muddy, and elsewhere. He is currently at work on new poetry and short story collections.

Simon Nagel is an award-winning screenwriter. He recently optioned his epic western, The Wind At Spanish Needle, to White Horse Pictures. He lives in Ventura, California. Follow Simon on Instagram @rollenshoreline.

Cathy Porter's poetry has appeared in Plainsongs, Homestead Review, Trajectory, California Quarterly, Green Hills Literary Lantern, Pennine Ink (UK), and various other journals. Her poem Clocked In was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She has two chapbooks available from Finishing Line Press : A Life In The Day and Dust And Angels. Her chapbook Exit Songs is forthcoming in 2016 from Dancing Girl Press. She lives in Omaha, NE and can be contacted at [email protected].

Richard Sensenbrenner, mild mannered occupier of a corporate cubicle is, in reality, a struggling artist of the written word who has an English degree from Southern Illinois University with an emphasis on creative writing.  He currently resides in Worth, Illinois.
Mitchell Waldman's fiction, poetry, and essays have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies. He is also the author of the short story collection, Petty Offenses and Crimes of the Heart (Wind Publications, 2011) , and the novel, A Face in the Moon (Writers Club Press, 2000).  For more information, check out his website:

J.T. Whitney is an aspiring author of two books and several short stories. This is his first published work. When he’s not writing, he’s either playing chess, hanging out with one of his three daughters, or watching baseball with his father.

Francine Witte is the author of the poetry chapbooks Only, Not Only (Finishing Line Press, 2012) and First Rain (Pecan Grove Press, 2009), winner of the Pecan Grove Press competition, and the flash fiction chapbooks Cold June (Ropewalk Press), selected by Robert Olen Butler as the winner of the 2010 Thomas A. Wilhelmus Award, and The Wind Twirls Everything (MuscleHead Press). A retired English teacher, Francine lives in New York.